Media Relations

This is the heart of our offering. First, we listen to what you want to say and determine the right audiences.

Then, we develop creative ideas about how to reach your audiences through the media. That could mean a press release or a press conference. Or it could be the one-on-one storytelling that predominates today.

We’ll use our media contacts or make new ones and get your story told where it should be told. Sometimes that could mean The Wall Street Journal or CNBC. Other times that could mean Modern Healthcare or Elevator World or WUSA-TV. Regardless, we get results!

Strategic Messaging

Short and sweet phrases are devastatingly effective, and eternally memorable. “plug the damn hole; “one small step for mankind;” “why so serious?”

We help you choose the right words, the most effective words, the simple words that are quoted and remembered. We’ll know your business and what you said yesterday. We’ll scout your competitors’ messages and develop tomorrow’s messages that will resonate with reporters today.



Media Training

You don’t drive a car without practice. Why would you interview with a reporter who could ruin you without the right training?

First, we’ll go over the rules of the road – things NOT to say to a reporter, and things you should say.

Then we’ll take those new messages out for a spin. We’ll put on our reporter hat and role-play various interview scenarios. The goal is not to embarrass you, but to make you comfortable as a messenger, and with your messaging. 

See how this gets results